UKERC Energy Data Centre: Data Catalogue

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Statistics at Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
UK Government
  Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities publishes statistics relating to deprivation, housing and homelessness, local government finance, planning performance and land use. DLUHC was previously known as the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG)
Atmospheric emissions: bridging tables
Office for National Statistics
  The relationships between UK Environmental Accounts measures and those of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
Atmospheric emissions: greenhouse gas emissions intensity by industry
Office for National Statistics
  Greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions intensity - the level of emissions per unit of economic output, by industry (SIC 2007 group - around 130 categories), UK.
Atmospheric emissions: road transport
Office for National Statistics
  The emissions generated from fuel sources used by road transport vehicles in the UK.
British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC)
Various sources
  The British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) is a national facility for looking after and distributing data concerning the marine environment.
CEDA Archive
Various sources
  The CEDA Archive forms part of NERC's Environmental Data Service (EDS) and is responsible for looking after data from atmospheric and earth observation research. It hosts over 18 Petabytes of data from climate models, satellites, aircraft, met observations, and other sources.
Carbon dioxide emissions intensity by industry
Office for National Statistics
  Annual data on carbon dioxide emissions intensity, measuring the level of emissions per unit of economic output.
Carbon sequestration and air filtration
Office for National Statistics
  Time series data for the carbon sequestration and air filtration ecosystem services in the urban environment.
Census Support
Three Census Agencies
  The population censuses are a vital resource for social scientific research and policy development, providing a snapshot of demographic and social life in the UK. They are collected by three census agencies. Census support gives access to:
  • 2011 Census - aggregate data, boundary data, flow data and microdata
  • 2001 Census - aggregate data, boundary data, flow data andmicrodata
  • 1991 Census - aggregate data, boundary data, flow data and microdata
  • 1981 Census - aggregate data, boundary data and flow data
  • 1971 Census - aggregate data, boundary data

Climate Watch
Climate Watch
  Climate Watch provides open climate data, visualizations and resources on national and global progress on climate change. This free platform enables users to create and share custom data visualizations and comparisons of national climate commitments.
ENV01 - Emissions of air pollutants
UK Government
  Annual update to tables on emissions of important air pollutants in the UK: sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds, ammonia and particulate matter.
ENV02 - Air quality statistics
UK Government
  An annual update of data on concentrations of major air pollutants in the UK. This data set contains data on the concentrations of major air pollutants as measured by the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN).
EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) data viewer
European Environment Agency
  The EU ETS data viewer provides access to emission trading data contained in the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL) which is the central transaction log.
Environment and Countryside statistics from the Welsh Government
Welsh Government
  Statistics from the Welsh Government on air quality, energy, flooding, fly-tipping, greenhouse gases, land, state of the environment and waste management.
Final UK greenhouse gas emissions national statistics
UK Government
  Final estimates of UK greenhouse gas emissions going back to 1990. These statistics are used to monitor progress against the UK's emissions reductions targets and take into account the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).
Fuel Poverty statistics in rural and urban areas
UK Government
  Fuel poverty statistics on households in fuel poverty in rural and urban areas (fuel poverty by rurality).
Impact - community carbon calculator
CSE and University of Exeter
  Impact is a parish-level carbon emission estimator which tells you how people in the parish travel and heat their homes, and other activities in the area that contribute to the local carbon emissions total. It shows territorial and consumption based emissions calculations.
Interactive map of CO2 totals by local authority
National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
  This interactive map shows CO2 totals by local authority from the UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory.
MAGIC - geographic information about the natural environment
DEFRA, Historic England, Natural England, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, MMO
  The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across Great Britain. It is presented in an interactive map which can be explored using various mapping tools that are included.
Marine accounts, natural capital, UK
Office for National Statistics
  Estimates of the value of marine natural capital to people in the UK.
Met Office Hadley Centre observations datasets
Met Office Hadley Centre
  Researchers at the Met Office Hadley Centre produce and maintain a range of gridded datasets of meteorological variables for use in climate monitoring and climate research. This site provides access to these datasets or, in some cases, links to other places from where where they can be obtained. Each data set is provided under specific licence terms please check the terms and conditions for each data set before you use it.
Ofgem Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Eligibility System
  The Ofgem Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Eligibility System is a tool for confirming which postcodes are eligible for the Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation (HHCRO).
Pollution Inventory
Environment Agency
  The Pollution Inventory (PI) includes information on annual mass releases of specified substances to air controlled waters and sewers as well as quantities of waste transferred off site from large industrial sites regulated by the Environment Agency including sites in energy sectors.
Public Attitudes Tracker
UK Government
  UK Government's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), and predecessor departments, track public attitudes four times a year, in a range of its policy areas including climate change and energy.
Scottish natural capital accounts: supplementary information
Office for National Statistics
  Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of services provided by natural assets in Scotland.
Statistics at Defra
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
  National and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food and farming. Environment statistics including air quality and emissions statistics, environmental protection expenditure survey, sustainable development indicators,digest of waste and resources statistics; Food statistics including food transport indicators; and Land management and environmental issues.
Tourism UK natural capital
Office for National Statistics
  Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of tourism services provided by natural assets in the UK.
UK AIR - Air Information Resource
Ricardo Energy & Environment
  Air pollution forecast and latest measurements and data archive.
UK Data Service Environment and Energy data sets
  UK Data Service (UKDS) data ranging from household energy use to global databanks on greenhouse gas emissions, conservation and the production and consumption of oil, gas and electricity worldwide.
UK NAEI - National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
Ricardo Energy & Environment, in collaboration with Aether, CEH, Forest Research, Hartley McMaster and Gluckman Consulting
  The NAEI compiles estimates of emissions to the atmosphere from UK sources such as cars, trucks, power stations and industrial plant.
UK natural capital accounts 2020
Office for National Statistics
  Estimates of the financial and societal value of natural resources to people in the UK
UK natural capital accounts: supplementary information
Office for National Statistics
  Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of services provided by natural assets in the UK.
UK natural capital for mountains, moorlands and heath reference tables
Office for National Statistics
  Ecosystem accounts for the mountains, moorlands and heath (MMH) environment in the UK.
UK natural capital for peatlands: reference tables
Office for National Statistics
  Natural capital accounts for peatlands measures the ecosystem services which peatlands provide, including water, carbon sequestration, food and recreation.
UK's carbon footprint
UK Government
  Annual greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions relating to UK consumption. The worldwide production of goods consumed in the UK is taken into account, as well as goods produced in the UK and emissions directly generated by UK households.
UKEOF Environmental Observation Catalogue
UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF)
  The UKEOF Catalogue provides access to information about environmental observations from the UK's monitoring programmes. It contains over 2000 metadata records of environmental observations undertaken and funded by public and third sector organisations.
UKERC Public Engagement Observatory
UKERC Public Engagement Observatory
  The Public Engagement Observatory of the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) maps the many different ways that people are engaging with energy, climate change and net zero on an ongoing basis. It openly shares, experiments with, and undertakes these mappings with others to help make energy and climate-related decisions, innovations and participation more just, responsible and responsive to society. As part of this activity there is an interactive mapping dataset of diverse cases of public participation and engagement with energy, climate change and net zero occurring in the UK since 2010. Here you can explore multiple different cases of public engagement, and filter the case study dataset based on the form, topic, participants and location of engagement.
Woodland natural capital accounts, England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland : supplementary information
Office for National Statistics
  Woodland ecosystem services for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, supplementary information. Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of services provided by natural assets in the UK.
Woodland natural capital accounts, UK: supplementary information
Office for National Statistics
  Physical (non-monetary) and monetary estimates of services provided by woodland natural assets in the UK